09. Quiz: Change the TextView

Change the TextView


Words we used in this video:

  • Android Studio
  • Device
  • Density-Independent Pixels

You can look up their definitions in the Vocab Glossary.

Link to the XML Visualizer

In case you're wondering, 48dp translates to approximately 9mm in physical size. See more info here

What does Density-Independent Pixel actually mean? You might be familiar with a pixel, which is a small illuminated area on a screen. Screens are essentially made up of hundreds of thousands of these pixels.

So what is a "density independent" pixel? Well, better screens will often have more pixels in the same amount of space. The number of pixels in a fixed space is known as the screen's pixel density.
In case you're wondering, 48dp translates to approximately 9mm in physical size. See more info here

Quiz: Change the TextView

Change the TextView

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Change the TextView - Solution